Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Throat singing anyone, and a shout out to Winnipeg

Sorry I could never find links to some of these peoples music. But for anyone who has a real music intrigue should look up this group of two ladies named "Madeline and Sylvia" this was a phenomenan intimate creation of sound out of their throats which they perpetuated through circular breathing. If anyone can find anything about them. I would LOVE to know.

Well Winnipeg Manitoba hosted an aboriginal people's choice music award ceremony, first annual for all first nations and indian american music! It is deffinitally worth celebrating, the show awards music of all kinds, both traditional pow wow music and contemporary music. I couldn't get enough of listening to contemporary first nations music with traditional pow wow dancers. Unreal, beautiful, breathtaking, mindblowing, TRANSFORMING

Tonight we all gathered to watch the award show, I saw some pretty lame things. And a lot of really great things. Let me show off a little.

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